Electronic signing and verification
By a simple method you can secure one or more documents with an electronic signature. Simply highlight the documents, right-click, and choose the appropriate command from the local menu. The validity of electronic signatures can just as easily be verified thanks to the options from the local menu.Signing and encryption wizard
The signing and encryption wizard provides a clear and quick working with the documents. Its first page gives you a choice of what to do with the document. It offers you signing of the document, encryption of the document, time stamping, and simultaneous signing and encryption. In the case of a received document, it will guide you through decryption and signature verification.Time stamping
Along with the electronic signature, the document can also be secured by a time stamp. It provides an indisputable verification of the time when the document was signed, guaranteed by an independent time stamp authority. Usually the time stamp authority is part of a certification authority. By default, time stamp authority of TrustPort is being used.Processing of PDF documents
This software allows encryption, signing, and time stamping of PDF documents, without having to use expensive original software for PDF editing. For both decryption of the document, and for signature verification, the recipient does not need to have any other software installed, other than Adobe Reader, which is free. Our software is indeed universally applicable, regardless of the installed software the recipient has installed on their computer.Obtaining a digital certificate
A condition for signing electronic documents is the ownership of a digital certificate. The software, based on the information provided by you, will generate a request which you can send to the certification authority of your choice. The certification authority verifies the request, and then issues you a digital certificate. Before you have your certificate issued, review the conditions laid down by the certification authority.Protected storages for certificates and encryption keys
A valid digital certificate can be imported into a protected storage. After it has been stored, the certificate is ready to be used for signing. The purpose of the protected storage is to prevent theft and misuse of certificates. The software distinguishes in particular local and portable storages. Local storages are located on the hard drive, and portable storages are located on tokens or smart cards.Download Links
Download TrustPort eSign Pro
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